Gann Square of Nine Calculator

Sunday, February 13, 2011


The Gann Wheel, what most people probably think of as the Square
of Nine, is sometimes called a "Square Root Calculator" or a
device that "Squares the Circle." This simple illustration may
explain how and why these terms came about. You probably
recognize that the illustration is just the first few rings of a
Gann Wheel with the numeral "1" at the center

In Square of Nine parlance we say things like 19 is 90 degrees
from 15. That makes sense only if you can visualize that this
rectangular table of numbers is enclosed in a circle (or series
of circles) of 360 degrees. In this case, the number 19 is 1/4
the way around the circle from the number 15, or 90 degrees in
circumference from 15. The number 34 is directly above the
number 15 and positioned one circumference or one ring outside
the circle that contains the number 15. In the same sense that
we can say that 19 is 90 degrees from 15, we can say that 34 is
360 degrees from 15, or one complete rotation of the circle from
15. That explains where squaring the circle comes from. A more
accurate expression would be that we're circling the square but
that never did catch on

Cardinal Cross and Ordinal Cross

The numbers that fall on the blue lines form what’s known as the
“Cardinal Cross”
and the numbers that fall on the red lines running into the
corners of the square, form what’s known as the “Ordinal Cross”.
Any numbers that fall on these lines are said to act as
significant support and resistance levels.
So the Square of nine is an interesting arrangement of numbers
that have a specific order and can be used in many different
The red and blue lines intersect with other and divide the
square in 8 equal parts.
The angle between each line is 45 degrees

Some Interesting Facts about Gann Square

If you were to look at the numbers on the grid running down to
the bottom left hand corner on the Square of Nine, you will find
they are the square root of odd numbers E.g. 5x5 = 25.

If you were to look at the numbers running up to the top right
hand corner on the Square of Nine you will find they are the
square root of even numbers e.g. 4x4 = 16.

If you then look at the numbers running down to the bottom right
hand corner on the Square of Nine you would find the midpoint
between the squares of odd and even numbers. Using the numbers
16 and 25 as an example of our odd and even numbers you will
find the number 21 representing their midpoint

Gann Square of 9 - Introduction

Gann relied heavily on geometrical and numerical relationships
and created several tools to help with his work. Among these
tools are the Square of Nine, Square of 144, and the Hexagon.
The Square of Nine, or Square as we will refer to here, can be
constructed in at least two ways. The static Square has the
number 1 at the center and the dynamic Square has the historic
low of the time series in the center.

The Square of 9 is basically a spiral of numbers. The initial
value can be found in the center of the spiral. This value is
then increased by moving in a spiral form. Normally the center
value is 1 and the step is one creating the spiral shown below

The numbers that represent a complete turn (0 or 360 degrees)
are 2,11,28,53.....
The numbers that represent 1/8 of a turn (45 degrees) are
The numbers that represent 1 quarter of a turn (90 degrees) are
The numbers that represent a half turn (180 degrees) are
The Square of Nine is essentially a time and price calculator,
and calculates the square
root of numbers, both odd and even numbers as well as their
midpoints. It also looks
for both time and price alignments from a specific starting
point or price level.
We will however not work on the time alignment as we are trading
for intraday only

Intraday Trading Using GANN Square Of 9

Hi All,

In the next few pages, I will be explaining you how to use Gann Calculator and how to do
intraday trading based on this calculator.

I browsed through many forums for Gann Calculator and found many articles wrote on it. As a
normal trader and reader, I was not able to understand any of them.

After browsing through more than 25 websites (where no one is sharing their way of trading with
this method, they just give GANN formula/square/angles/etc/etc), I found the simple way to
trade using Gann Square of 9.